Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones

9 Overall Score
Gameplay: 9/10
Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 9/10

Great Sequel | Love the Metroidvania Overworld | Clever Co-op

With Metroidvania Comes Backtracking

Game Info

GAME NAME: Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones

DEVELOPER(S): Curve Studios

PUBLISHER(S): Curve Digital

PLATFORM(S): Nintendo Wii U

GENRE(S): Puzzlevania

RELEASE DATE(S): October 30th, 2014

Now that I have had the time to familiarize myself with the Stealth Inc franchise, I was overjoyed to be able to review the next title in the series from Curve Studios, Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones.  I thought the Playstation 4 version of the original had a great foundation but could use improvements to make the game great. Curve has definitely stepped their game up and has released a title that not only is a Wii U-exclusive but as good of a game that it at times feels like it could have been made by the Big N themselves.


Their was a story in the first Stealth Inc title but it was more background noise and the levels were just one-offs.  I’ll get into the level structure in a little bit, but I actually enjoyed the little story that they infused into the game as it was coherent and comical at times.  The story introduces Malcolm Alderman, a quality assurance worker of PTI Industries who is now playing second fiddle to Colin Rickman in the monthly totals.  Obsessed with being number one, Alderman works harder and inadvertently allows the character you will eventually control out.  Alderman is also the man behind the messages on the walls.  Even though it’s a simple story, it is something and adds to an already good title and just makes it better.

You take control of one of the clones, who sort of have a look of the minions from Despicable Me.  Once you have control, the game takes you through a tutorial level of sort, teaching you the basics of the game with obstacles and text on the walls.  After the tutorial level you are not thrown into menus where you choose levels.  Instead, Stealth Inc 2 takes a page from the Metroidvania style games.  You explore the PTI facility at full and can enter test chambers at will to progress.  There are 5 areas and a total of over 60 test chambers and while exploring the facility you can even see MiiVerse posting, giving it the high quality feel of a Nintendo developed title.  Also your level speeds and scores will be uploaded to an online leaderboard to see how you rank with other users.


Controlling the clone feels natural and intuitive.  The d-pad or left analog stick will have you moving him around the level with the face buttons performing actions such as jumping, hacking and crouching.  In the test chambers you will need to avoid being seen by turrets, cameras, alarm dogs and other enemies by using switches, smoke and other aides to keep you in the shadows.  As you obtain different gadgets such as the Inflate-a-Mate (you can make inflatable blocks) or the Me Too (you can clone yourself) the shoulder buttons open up as management helps to select the array or items.  Obtaining the gadgets will also help you progress in the overworld to areas you weren’t able to reach before giving it a feel of games from the past like Super Metroid.  Progressing through the game will also unlock costumes for your clone to wear, It doesn’t do anything per say, but is fun to dress up your avatar.

One of the cooler functions of the game is the inclusion of an asynchronous co-op mode.  In this mode instead of running around as two clones, one person takes the reins of the GamePad to be the hacker and the other controls the clone with a WiiMote or Pro controller.  The hacker can use the stylus to use the gadgets to help the clone get through the treacherous levels and really relies on heavy duty communication.  This mode reminds me of Rayman Legends but it takes it to a whole different level.  This is one of the first indie titles I really felt that the developer tried to make a unique use of the screen screen and delivered to perfection.


Making it’s return from the previous iteration is the level editor.  It has been made simpler with the touchscreen controls and even has community sharing options.  They really pulled out all stops for an eShop title and is as full featured as a retail game.  You can rate other users levels to help sort through the good and the bad in the community.   Stealth Inc 2 also includes off-screen play which is almost a given now.

The graphics have a cute art style to them, but don’t let them fool you, one false step and you will become a bloody pulp.  It has a similar art to the first but looks a little more crisp and detailed.  Traversing through the PTI building offers a nice look at the offices as well as the test chambers.  The shadow and lighting effects are spot on for the stealth gameplay.  The soundtrack also keeps the electronic beats that it was going for with the first and it’s excellent music.

The Recommendation

This year has been a treat to be an indie fan and a Wii U owner.  Not only were we exposed to Shovel Knight, Armillo and Guacamelee but Curve Digital has a smorgasbord of games they are publishing with Lone Survivor and right down the road The Swapper and Thomas Was Alone. Stealth Inc 2 though to me, feels like their Wii U masterpiece.  It has so many elements that have the Nintendo-polish such as Community sharing of levels, Co-op, Miiverse posting and just the overall quality finish that you owe it to yourself if you are a Nintendo fan to pick this title up.  Another must have indie is now available on the eShop.



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Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones Wii U
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Author: Anthony DeVirgilis View all posts by
Managing Partner / Editor for Sony/Nintendo I prefer Indies to AAA titles... unless it's Nintendo or Sony Google+ Author