Original Journey Launches on Windows

Original Journey, the sci-fi action-adventure with incredibly detailed, hand-drawn pencil art from publisher Another Indie and developer Bonfire Entertainment, launches on Windows via Steam today.

To spare their species from extinction players race and platform across the mysterious Planet Shadow, where they battle waves of alien enemies with customizable mech armor, rifles and turrets.

Original Journey launches today on Windows via Steam for  $11.99 or €11.99 (EUR).  Another Indie and developer Bonfire Entertainment are planning a Nintendo Switch launch in Q4 2017, with PlayStation 4 and Xbox One releases in Q1 2018.

Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/639470/Original_Journey/



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Managing Partner/Editor-in-chief and owner of GameGravy & NintendoFever – Mike spends most of his time working with the top brands in the Game industry & Advertising. Fun Factoid: he is also a musician and song writer. Google+ Author