Defeating Metal Face First Encounter Xenoblade Chronicles

I want to first say Xenoblade Chronicles is an amazing game, I’m highly enjoying it. Yet, I’ve noticed a trend online with this one particular topic (How to defeat Metal Face during the first encounter). I feel that people are glossing over the important issues of combat mechanics. Xenoblade does an great job at walking you through the controls of the game as you encounter new events. However, if you skip the dialogue you can find yourself in a world of frustration not understanding the whole of battle mechanics. On to the good stuff.

I will NOT be giving you any spoilers so do not worry! I noticed a lot of sites spoiling things and I refuse to. I spent over 1 hour of nonstop in game battle time against this bastard metal face because I didn’t understand this one little mechanic, and skipped the dialogue on how-to and felt so foolish afterwards. I love RPGs and have been playing them for years however, I fell into this online trend because games have been holding our hands so much we have forgotten how to strategize and think for ourselves. Hopefully this saves you time and frustration.
Defeating Metal Face (This should be a quick fight)

  1. First, do some standard fighting until your PG (Party Gauge) the three blue bars on the upper top left of the screen are full. 
  2. Select the center Circle which is your CA (Chain Attack) and press UP on the D-pad. Then hit A. It will active chain attack and then you can utilize and select an attack from each team member.
  3.  (couldn’t find the chain attack icon) but this is the area where you want to highlight and select UP to activate it.
  4. Once Chain Attack is activated. Use a pink art, followed by a green art. (repeat this) You have to initiate a “break” and then “topple” the boss to do damage. Specifically this works.
  5. An attack which inflicts break (hint: Shulk)
  6. Then use an attack which inflicts topple. (hint: Reyn)
  7. Once you execute a few chain attacks you will bring Metal Face down to 50% help then a cinematic begins. Congrats you did it!




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Author: getamikeON View all posts by
Managing Partner/Editor-in-chief and owner of GameGravy & NintendoFever – Mike spends most of his time working with the top brands in the Game industry & Advertising. Fun Factoid: he is also a musician and song writer. Google+ Author