Free Weekend Pass for Star Wars The Old Republic

Just in case you missed this, Star Wars: The Old Republic Weekend Pass Free Trial is open now! Below are some details. If you haven’t had the chance to play this awesome game, you should definitely give it a try, why not, because its free!

  • No payment or credit card required
  • Play for free for up to 4 full days
  • Purchase the game and claim your trial characters – they’ll be waiting for you!

This promotion is only good for the following time:

Thursday, April 5 at 12:01AM CDT (5:01AM GMT)
Monday, April 9 at 2:00AM CDT (7:00AM GMT).

Source: Official SWTOR Weekend Pass


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Author: getamikeON View all posts by
Managing Partner/Editor-in-chief and owner of GameGravy & NintendoFever – Mike spends most of his time working with the top brands in the Game industry & Advertising. Fun Factoid: he is also a musician and song writer. Google+ Author