Cyberpunk adventure game Technobabylon now out on iPhone & iPad

Ever feel like you’re living in a dystopian society where the government has gone off the rails and your every move is being watched? If so, Technobabylon is the game for you. This game gives me that Blade Runner vibe and I love that.

Just released as a Universal App for iPhone and iPad, Technobabylon is a $4.99 USD download (or equivalent in local currency) from indie developer James Dearden and Wadjet Eye Games, the most prolific publisher of pixel art adventure games since the Sierra and LucasArts days. Technobabylon originally released on Steam in May 2015 and quickly became one of Wadjet Eye’s best selling and best reviewed adventures. Since then people have been dying for it to be on mobile and they’ve made it so.

The art work and story of this title look phenomenal, I’ll be doing a review of it soon so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime enjoy the trailer below and here is the link to the game within the iTunes store and Steam.

App Store page:




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Managing Partner/Editor-in-chief and owner of GameGravy & NintendoFever – Mike spends most of his time working with the top brands in the Game industry & Advertising. Fun Factoid: he is also a musician and song writer. Google+ Author