GameGravy Giveaway Ghost Recon Future Soldier XBOX 360 and PS3


Greetings GameGravy readers. As promised we are back again with another monthly GameGravy giveaway, this month courtesy of Ubisoft and Giant Realm. Up on the plate is Ghost Recon Future Soldier. We have two copies, a version for Xbox 360 and PS3. If you haven’t already picked this up, well then, you have a chance to win it for FREE! Details below.

Contest starts now 5/22 through 5/26. We will stop taking entries at 5pm cst on 5/26. Game will be shipped to you on 5/27.

To enter its simple.

  1. Register for our site
  2.  Comment below in this post and answer the following question:
  3. 1st) Tell us what system you would like this game for  2nd) What feature or aspect of Ghost Recon Future Soldier are you most looking forward to?
  4. Check back this page on 5/26 to see who the winners are.
  5. Winner will be picked at random and will be notified via the email they register on the site with. You must email me back and confirm with your mailing address so we can mail you the game!

Its that simple to enter. All contestants will be put in a random drawing and drawn on 5/26 at 5pm cst.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!


Good luck and let the contest begin!




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Author: Mike View all posts by
Managing Partner/Editor and co-founder of GameGravy – Also a Digital Artist, Producer and Hardcore Gamer. I spend most of my time working with the top brands in the Advertising & Game industry. Fun Factoid: I'm also a musician and song writer. I sing and play guitar in a heavy rock band.

33 Comments on "GameGravy Giveaway Ghost Recon Future Soldier XBOX 360 and PS3"

  1. Slushi3 May 22, 2012 at 1:14 PM -

    PS3. I’m looking forward to what might be the best online multiplayer experience since Battlefield 3! Not to mention the awesome looking HUD elements and sick gadgets you get to play around with!

  2. JMusic May 22, 2012 at 1:30 PM -

    I would like this game for the PS3. I’m mostly looking forward to the Gunsmith feature, which sounds a lot more in-depth than I would have expected from this sort of game. But of course I enjoy the more realistic flavor a Tom Clancy title brings to the genre.

  3. AlphaNoon May 22, 2012 at 1:45 PM -

    Would love the game for the Xbox 360. I’m really looking forward to the gun customization in Ghost Recon Future Soldier. It’s a lot, lot more in-depth than I thought it would be when I played the beta and I really enjoyed it. Having my own unique gun makes the game that much better.

  4. Dillon DeVito May 22, 2012 at 2:24 PM -

    PS3! and looking forward to the change up of normal shooters aka COD. The 10 hour campaign sounds promising, and lots of high-tech gear and gadgets and i read theres even active camo which would be sick

  5. Mice_Follies May 22, 2012 at 3:24 PM -

    I would most likely feel the adrenaline of the campaign and online since one of the game previews I’ve seen were epic and I just would like to thank my friend for showing me this game, its just really amazing how they made this game so action packed, realistic and adrenaline pumping game! so I really look forward getting this Ghost Recon Future Soldier and my Gameconsole is PS3 (:

  6. James May 22, 2012 at 3:31 PM -

    This is awesome. I can’t wait to get my copy – the Tom Clancy games have been great ever since Politika! Well, Rainbow 6. But still!

    Good luck everyone!

  7. Shin GenX May 22, 2012 at 3:50 PM -

    For the 360 please!
    Most interesting part of the game will be trying out the new tech. Seems like they are trying to be near future so looks pretty cool

  8. Halberad May 22, 2012 at 3:51 PM -

    Xbox 360 please! And I’m really looking forward to all of the super customization of the weapons

  9. venomscarnage May 22, 2012 at 3:51 PM -

    Well I’d definitely like a copy of the game for the Xbox 360. I’d have to say that I am really looking forward to seeing how headshots are in this game and from when I played the beta it seemed like if you get a headshot you actually get the kill unlike in Call of Duty or Battlefield.

  10. Ninjouzata May 22, 2012 at 4:21 PM -

    I would like a copy for PS3. The feature I’m looking forward to most is the gunsmithing. Being able to create/customize a gun THAT much in depth overwhelmed me and made me want the game.

  11. spyroyoo May 22, 2012 at 4:32 PM -

    Xbox 360 , What im mostly looking forward too is the basically the multiplayer , i use too have such great memories off the old ghost recon games and the graw games, such fun games, also the sp will have too try it out with the kinect , thanks for the contest

  12. Velourium89 May 22, 2012 at 5:28 PM -

    Xbox 360. This will be the first time playing anything in the Ghost Recon series. So, I’m looking forward to it being a whole new experience and hoping that it sets itself apart from the shooters I’m used to. The multiplayer aspect has definitely caught my eye, especially from the beta.

  13. killermuppet May 22, 2012 at 5:35 PM -

    Xbox 360. I was never a huge fan of squad based so I am glad that is gone. It will give me a chance up the difficulty early. The beta MP played really well, the maps were not choked point based like MW3. It really never gave you a feeling defending an area. This might cut down or specialist players(ie Snipers and Spam Shotgunners) that make MW3 a chore at times.

  14. Darklurkr23 May 22, 2012 at 6:12 PM -

    That gets the weapon skin unlocks. 360

    The fun part I’m actually looking forward to playing is the Facebook game to get the unlocks :D I love it when games have fb cross promotions!

    • Darklurkr23 May 22, 2012 at 6:13 PM -

      O yea but just in case I get picked 2nd in the winnings I’ll take a PS3 copy as well.

  15. betobuster May 22, 2012 at 6:29 PM -

    Xbox 360. I’m looking forward to gameplay that is actually team-based, whereas other shooters are you playing on a team, but not as a team.

  16. oasis789 May 22, 2012 at 8:21 PM -

    PS3. Looking forward to squad multiplayer!

  17. e-z-e May 22, 2012 at 8:52 PM -

    I’m looking forward to finally getting my feet wet in the Ghost Recon series. Most of my Tom Clancy exposure comes from Rainbow Six…and Harrison Ford. PS3.

  18. sirdan357 May 22, 2012 at 9:59 PM -

    PS3. I’m looking forward to taking people out with the remote controlled drones.

  19. nyyfan22331 May 22, 2012 at 11:10 PM -

    Xbox 360. Looking forward to messing around with the gun customization.

  20. thafeend May 23, 2012 at 2:11 AM -

    PS3. I’m looking forward the most to the tactical team based gameplay in a shooter. using great teamwork to beat our enemies. The close quarter 4 on 4 gameplay I’ve been missing is back. I can safely say this game is what ive been waiting for after playing the beta. it’s basically what socom 4 should have been to me. Cant wait to flank enemies and hack networks. thanks for the opportunity

  21. Rik_rgz May 23, 2012 at 2:15 AM -

    I would like a copy for PS3. I’m looking forward to see the competitive multiplayer, the beta was good so by now it must be awesome.

  22. JWMxSniper May 23, 2012 at 6:34 AM -

    Xbox 360. I played the beta for the game and it was brilliant, I am looking forward to the campaign and experience the life of a ghost in war. I am also looking forward to the Kinect functionality for the game, I seen some at E3 2011 and it was amazing.

  23. Jerry Harris May 23, 2012 at 9:19 AM -

    PS3. The gadgets!

  24. fresh02_88 May 23, 2012 at 9:26 AM -

    Xbox 360 Multiplayer

  25. mowmow May 23, 2012 at 10:59 AM -

    I look forward to see what new gadgets are available, and to try out the multiplayer
    ps3 please

  26. Scorpion_CR1 May 23, 2012 at 11:49 AM -

    I like the fact of the co-op with friends on the single-player. I would like to enter for the PS3 version please.

  27. djderkey May 23, 2012 at 2:53 PM -

    Wanna play on Xbox. Can’t wait for the campaign and new tech.

  28. djderkey May 23, 2012 at 2:57 PM -

    Wanna play on the 360. And can’t wait for campaign and new tech.

  29. borr13 May 24, 2012 at 12:54 AM -

    1) PS3
    2) Never played any of the Ghost Recon games, so i think it would be cool!
    3) James is an ASS!

  30. alpha May 24, 2012 at 12:58 AM -

    Firstly Id want this on the PS3. Secondly I’m looking forward to some tactical game-play on something beside tf2. The the amazing gun customization has me beyond pumped up, its been years of me going this gun just needs a little more range, or a little lower fire rate, so gunsmith has got me hyped. Basically the entire game whether I win it or not looks like it may make my year.

  31. C-zero23 May 24, 2012 at 2:38 PM -

    Ps3 version the superior version :) . the campiagn i heard is around 10 hours long. (sweet) plus 4 player online co op! Im usually a COD guy and just got into max payne 3, but this game seems interesting. Look foward to playing it

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