UNCHARTED 3 Version 1.13 is Naughty Dogs Biggest Patch Ever

Sony/Naughty Dog announced today, that their biggest patch ever was to be released. This is path 1.13 for Uncharted 3 Multiplayer and it will be available today August 7th. Now, Naughty Dog is claiming that their new multiplayer component will be robust and compelling and quite different than any other multiplayer game. While, this claim is over hyped and far from the truth as it borrows components from other games like Team Fortress 2, it still looks to be interesting and most definitely enriching the Uncharted 3 world and multiplayer experience. From items that enhance the way your character looks and boosting stats, to new treasures to unlock character head items, about 50 new trophies, the list goes on!

Check out the video below from Naughty Dog as their team goes over some 1.13 Multiplayer patch notes!

They are also releasing a new multiplayer DLC! This will start rolling out to some users as the Playstation Store updates starting on August 14th. The DLC can be unlocked either by earning the necessary in-game levels, completing specific treasure sets or just purchasing within the PSN stores if you want the items right away. Check out the teaser video below! There are about 137 new pieces they are adding!

But wait, that’s not all! Naughty Dog also is introducing a new system to the UNCHARTED 3’s multiplayer. The Tournament System brings in a points-based competition that has three reward tiers, which grant you special in-game weapons or items based on how well you’ve played. Once you unlock a weapon or item, it’s yours to use until the next tournament period.

Here is the thing some of you may like or some of you may hate? Let us know what you think below. You can buy into a tournament using tournament tickets. You’ll always carry a balance of ten tickets per tournament period, but you can purchase more via PSN. A tournament leaderboard will be added to the leaderboards section so you can track your skill level among your friends. Now, you don’t have to just purchase tickets to unlock new items, there will be lots of new treasure to find and you can unlock those items that way as well.

So, this is an exciting amount of changes happening in the Uncharted 3 world, let us know what you think below!



Source: Playstation Blog




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Managing Partner/Editor-in-chief and owner of GameGravy & NintendoFever – Mike spends most of his time working with the top brands in the Game industry & Advertising. Fun Factoid: he is also a musician and song writer. Google+ Author