new Assassin’s Creed III details


Ubisoft has been working on this title for quite awhile in complete secrecy until about a little less than a month ago.  The team who worked on Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and the first two Assassin’s Creed games, started working on the new powerful engine that Assassin’s Creed III runs on immediately after the release of the second Assassin’s Creed.  The game starts off with players experiencing the half Native-American character’s childhood, being raised by the Mohawk tribe.  Players will also witness the tribe being murdered by the “white man”.  Believe it or not, Connor, your character is not seeking revenge like the other Creed titles.  Connor is mainly about confronting tyranny and seeking justice, Ubisoft is going for a more freedom fighter outlook.


Assassin’s Creed III has historical events including the Boston Tea Party and Boston Massacre.  It also boasts historical figures such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Charles Lee. along with the battles of Bunker Hill and Saratoga.  It seems like George Washington will have a lot of interaction with Connor and even Ben Franklin as well.  Charles Lee is still the character with least information about, but he is seen having a slight interaction with young Connor


The game spans between Boston and New York with an enormous frontier in between to explore.  Assassin’s Creed III is roughly about 1.5 times larger than AC: Brotherhood’s world, which is pretty huge if you remember how large Brotherhood was.  Also, with the new engine, it is capable of rendering up to a thousand non-playable characters on screen at one time, unlike the previous games that could produce a hundred.  Also Assassin’s Creed II introduces a seasons system, which in the winter time, snow will give players a tactical advantage over their enemies.


I’m anxious to see how well this game turns out, especially since Ubisoft has been working on it for roughly 3 years now.  Some fans are worried about the game being set in a colonial era and could take away from the Assassin’s Creed they fell in love with.  I personally feel there is a great change-up here, especially since they haven’t taken away from the core Creed gameplay of scaling buildings and now trees.



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Author: Jeffrey Wilkes View all posts by
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