Free To Play Friday – Viridi

Thanks to the mass adoption of smartphones, tablets, phablets, wearable tech, and all manner of silly future-tech things, our home computers have become workplace relics.  When we’re on the computer, WE’RE BUSY (except for PC gamers, but whatever).

Personally, I’m only on my computer when I have work or school-related things to do, otherwise it sits patiently on my office desk, humming away.

Viridi adds a bit of a calming space to the otherwise workaday computer.  Light, twinkly music with a touch of melancholy.  Plants that require attention – but not too much – to survive.  Sing to them; but you don’t actually have to sing.  Just leave the plant selected.  Choose and name your pot (mine is the one with the cat faces, named TRUMP 2016).  Watch that little snail who you can of course also name (helmet slug) slowly circumnavigate the lip of the pot.  Enjoy watching your cacti grow.

I think the real point of this is to forget about it, then revisit it months later when you turn on Steam to download some update.  You’ll see your pot, your dead plants, little helmet slug in perpetual travel.  It’ll make you a little sad.  That’s okay.

You can download Viridi here, through Steam.


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Author: James View all posts by
Dangerously fat. Twitter: @hypersaline