Today’s ground hog day! Let’s see if Mr Punxsutawney Phil the ground hog even comes out in the snow! Legend is if he sees his shadow then there’s six more weeks of winter and if he does not well then spring will come early. Let’s see what today brings. Also, its Super Bowl weekend. Who are you rooting for?
Anyways, on to some gaming news! Big news this week. Sony teasing us with the next gen console!
I’ll be playing some more Guild Wars 2 this weekend and trying to cap my Engineer at 80. With the new GW2 patch that was just released everyone is scrambling to do their dailies and get Laurels for new gear. Other than that, I’ll be catching up on my Borderlands 2 and maybe get some Madden 13 in with all this Super Bowl business in the air!
So did you get any good gaming deals this week? What are you playing this weekend? As always, chat with us and we’ll be here!