Free To Play Friday – Leon

Twitter is awesome.  Where else can you follow and harass celebrities and get cheered for it?  It’s fomented revolutions, tracked down criminals, and fueled countless “WHAT DID KATY PERRY SAY” articles on trashy websites.

And now there’s Leon, a Choose Your Own Adventure game starring a squat, fat, egg-lookin’ bird with groovy shorts.

With pixel-gif artwork and tons of humor (and also tons of ways to die, more often than not hilariously), Leon is a great way to burn through some data on your phone while waiting at a car dealership to fix your speakers… and now you know why this edition of FTPF is late.

Shout out to Leon on the internet, and Brandon Hyundai for wasting three goddamn hours of my life.

Leon can be played here – and it works great on your phone if you’ve got the app.


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Author: James View all posts by
Dangerously fat. Twitter: @hypersaline