GameGravy’s Gaming Weekend, 3-9 Edition

Happy Saturday everyone! So its the weekend but not just any weekend, its SXSW weekend and GameGravy is in Austin, Texas until Monday. Saying that, I apologize for the lack of posts but I assure you it will be worth the wait as I do my daily SXSW Gaming Expo Recaps.

This weekend I’ll be playing unreleased Nintendo Wii U, 3DS games and a handful of other awesome titles you may or may not heard of. So far we got our hands on Hawken, Pikmin 3, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon. We have a full day a head of us so keep an eye out for an awesome post.

What are you playing this weekend? Any games you want us to cover at SXSW for you? As always, chat with us and we’ll be here!





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Author: getamikeON View all posts by
Managing Partner/Editor-in-chief and owner of GameGravy & NintendoFever – Mike spends most of his time working with the top brands in the Game industry & Advertising. Fun Factoid: he is also a musician and song writer. Google+ Author