MGS Ground Zeroes will have base building and multiple device use

Hideo Kojima spoke at a recent developer’s session at Eurogamer Expo, and mentioned some cool stuff to do with Ground Zeroes (due at some point in 2013).

Weapon and base development, like what was in MGS:Peace Walker, is “a very cool idea, and something that could be popular.”  This was a great concept in Peace Walker, so adding it to Ground Zeroes sounds pretty good.  But the next part of his speech was very interesting.

Furthermore, nowadays there are various ways to access the game world – you’re not just playing in your living room on your games console.  You may also access through your cell phone and other devices and still access that same game. I think in that respect that motherbase system lends itself very well to that system, and that’s something we’re planning on for Ground Zeroes.

Base management via your Android or iPhone?  Damn cool.  We’ll see how this develops.



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Dangerously fat. Twitter: @hypersaline